Business Brilliance BBQ





Thank you for your interest in purchasing your ticket(s) to “BUISINESS BRILLIANCE BBQ” on May 24, 2024 (the “Ticket(s)”) from <> (the “Website”).


By proceeding to place an order by clicking “Buy Now,” “Complete Order,” or any other similar phrases that may appear on the purchase and check out page and or button, by entering your credit card or other payment information, or otherwise rendering payment, either in full or partial payment, for the Ticket(s) with Soul Attorney Inc. (“Us”, “We”, “Our” or “Owner”) through <> (“Our Website”) (hereafter defined as a “Purchaser”, “You”, or “Your”), any Purchaser hereby agrees to be bound by the legally binding terms and conditions herein (the “Terms and Conditions”) as a condition of Your receipt of the Ticket(s) provided by Us.


Furthermore, any individual who receives a Ticket purchased for them by someone else and uses that Ticket to attend the Event on May 24, 2024 shall also be defined as a “Purchaser” and shall be bound by the Terms and Conditions herein as a condition of their attendance at the Event. These Terms and Conditions will be publicly available on our Website and Purchasers who received Tickets purchased for them by someone else are encouraged to review the Terms and Conditions prior to entry to the Event.


If You do not agree to be bound by the Terms and Conditions, do not check the box indicating “I agree”, “I accept”, “I agree with the Terms and Conditions”, “I accept the Terms and Conditions”, or any other variant of that phrase, and do not proceed with Your order.

Please retain a copy of the Terms and Conditions for your records.



WHEREAS Soul Attorney Inc. (“Us”, “We”, “Our” or “Owner”) is a corporation formed under the federal laws of Canada that is engaged in the business of providing business coaching and ancillary services such as hosting educational trainings, workshops and events regarding business including an event on May 24, 2024 called the “BUSINESS BRILLIANCE BBQ” (the “Event”).


WHEREAS Purchasers may access the Event on May 24, 2024 at the Duntroon Highlands Golf Club located at 1226 Concession 10 N Nottawasaga Rd, Duntroon, ON L0M 1H0 and as such We wish to protect Our rights as a condition of granting You that access.


Now therefore in consideration of the mutual promises made herein, a Purchaser and Soul Attorney Inc. agree as follows:




  1.  Tickets listed on our Website may not be available at the time You make Your order. Your order is subject to availability at Our sole discretion.




  1.  The Tickets are only intended for individuals purchasing in the Province of Ontario who are over the age of eighteen (18) years old.


  1.  Except in Québec, the descriptions of Tickets on Our Website are only invitations for You to make an offer to purchase.


  1.  Following Your acceptance of these Terms and Conditions and Our acceptance of Your payment in full, We will deliver the Ticket(s) in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.


  1.  We reserve the right to accept or reject the order once You have completed and placed Your order. We also reserve the right to cancel an order for any reason, even if payment has already been made. If payment has already been made, We will refund the payment to the credit card You provided for payment.




  1.  The Ticket(s) includes entrance to the Event between the hours of 6:00 pm and 11:00 pm at the Duntroon Highlands Golf Club located at 1226 Concession 10 N Nottawasaga Rd, Duntroon, ON L0M 1H0. Each Ticket to the Event will include access to the event and 1 BBQ ticket.


  1.  We do not represent or warrant that product descriptions and other information on our Website are accurate, complete, reliable, current or error-free.


  1.  We reserve the right to substitute services equal to or comparable to the value of Ticket(s) if reasonably required by the prevailing circumstances as determined exclusively by Us.





  1.  These Terms and Conditions shall be valid from the date of initial purchase of Ticket(s) until twenty-four (24) hours after the conclusion of the Event, with the exception of the clauses noted to survive the Term, Termination or Expiry of this Agreement.




  1.  The Event may contain sensitive topics such as money, business, finance, legal, etc. These subjects may be distressing and triggering for some individuals. Viewer discretion is advised. If you are struggling with any of these issues, please seek help and support from a mental health professional or a crisis helpline. The event organizers do not take any responsibility for any distress caused as a result of attending this presentation. By clicking “I Agree” you hereby acknowledge and accept this trigger warning and chose to voluntarily attend the Event knowing same.


  1.  The views and opinions expressed by the Event speakers and panellists does not reflect Our views and opinions. We are not responsible for the views and opinions expressed by the Event speakers or panellists.




  1.  The only express warranties or conditions are provided are those warranties that are described in the description of the goods on this Website.


  1.  Some jurisdictions, such as Québec, do not allow us to limit implied warranties and conditions. If these laws apply to You, some or all of the following disclaimers may not apply to You.


  1.  To the fullest extent permitted by applicable laws, We disclaim all warranties and conditions of any kind, whether legal, express or implied (including warranties and conditions of merchantable quality, merchantability, quality or fitness for a particular purpose, durability and non-infringement), whether arising from statute, course of dealing, usage of trade or otherwise.


  1.  This Ticket(s) are provided on an "as-is" basis, without any warranties or representations, express, statutory or implied including, without limitation, any warranties or representations as to the accuracy, completeness, merchantable quality or fitness for a particular purpose of the Ticket(s) or any content on this Website.


  1.  The use of the Ticket(s) and Your attendance at the Event is at Your own risk. Without limiting the foregoing, We do not warrant that the information provided to the audience during the Event will be free of errors, foul language, or sensitive topics that might upset some viewers. We will not be liable for any reaction you may have or damages you suffer as a result of your exposure to the topics presented to you during the Event.


  1.  You hereby understand and accept that by your purchase of the Ticket(s), We are not YOUR lawyer, investment advisor, financial advisor, psychiatrist, psychologist, therapist, doctor, counsellor, or other agent. Your attendance at the Event does not create a professional relationship with any of the speakers, panellists, or anyone else involved in the Event, nor is there any confidential or fiduciary relationship formed by your Purchase of the Tickets and attendance at the Event, even if you chose to voluntarily participate in any group discussion, question and answer, roundtable, or share any part of your personal life while in attendance at the Event.


  1.  For greater clarity, your attendance at the Event does NOT include or is not to be understood as the following:
    1.  Providing You with specific advice or instructions about any certain course of action to take in your circumstances;
    2.  The provision of professional advice such as therapy, psychotherapy, financial, legal, accounting,investment or any other kind of advice or feedback about You or any member of the audience generally;
  •  Providing You with individual personalized advice or feedback about You specifically; and
  1.  Prescriptive regarding any action or inaction, opinion, or position expressed during the Event.


  1.  Any of the views and opinions expressed during the Event are anecdotal and do not form the basis of any causation or guarantees of any kind. No results of any kind are guaranteed.


  1.  This Section will indefinitely survive expiry or termination of these Terms & Conditions.




  1.  As stated above, the Event has been specifically developed for educational and informational purposes ONLY. You hereby explicitly agree that We do not guarantee that Your purchase of the Ticket(s) and attendance at the Event will guarantee You accomplish Your goals, whatever they may be.


  1.  You hereby accept that the Event has been designed by Us for general educational and informational purposes only, and was created to assist and inspire You in learning more about health, and in opening up the dialogue around wealth for women. In completing the Purchase, You hereby acknowledge You retain full responsibility for whatever results or experience You garner from the Event. You acknowledge that You are responsible for Your own mental health and well-being and We shall have no liability to You for any reason whatsoever pursuant to the Terms and Conditions herein for any damages that may be suffered by You, as a result of Your attendance at the Event, whether occurring now or at any time in the future. 


  1.  You agree that Your results, in whatever form are Your responsibility and You also agree that You are solely responsible for any decisions or actions You choose to make or not to make based on Your access to the Event and/or use of the Ticket(s), and You hereby indemnify Us from and liability regarding any said decision.


  1.  The Event will offer an opportunity to participate games requiring physical exertion and dancing. You understand participation in any movement is absolutely voluntary and You can choose to participate or not. You have and acknowledge that You may be asked to wear or make use of pertinent safety equipment, such as closed toe shoes.


  1.  You are further aware that the physical exertion required of certain activities at the Event may activate or aggravate pre-existing physical injuries, conditions, or congenital defects and You further acknowledge that you do not have any physical limitations, medical ailments or physical or mental disabilities that would limit or prevent You from participating in the Activities.


  1.  You understand and acknowledge that the Event and any of the opinions or views expressed at the Event is not a substitute for professional attention, such as medical or financial attention, or advice from a licensed professional.




  1.  During the check-out process You will be provided with a list of the Ticket(s) You are purchasing, their price, and a list of all additional charges. You will be asked to confirm Your order at the end of the check-out process.


  1.  Upon execution of these Terms and Conditions by Your clicking “Buy Now,” “Complete Order,” or any other similar phrases that may appear on the purchase and check out page and or button, You hereby agree to pay to Us the full purchase amount for the Ticket(s), set out in the box labelled "Order Total".


  1.  The Order Total is set out in Canadian dollars and includes applicable taxes. The Order Total will be charged to the credit card You entered.


  1.  By proceeding to place an order by clicking “Buy Now,” “Complete Order,” or any other similar phrases that may appear on the purchase and check out page and or button, by entering Your credit card or other payment information, or otherwise rendering payment, either in full or partial payment, for the Ticket(s) You authorise Us to charge the credit card or account used at checkout to complete all payments pursuant to the payment plan You selected at checkout, and You do not require separate authorization for each payment.


  1.  You shall not threaten or make any chargebacks to Our account or cancel the credit card that is provided as security without Our prior written consent. We reserve the right to collect any and all monies owed by You to Us for the Ticket(s), by any means necessary within the parameters of the law. In the event of a chargeback, We reserve the right to report the incident to credit reporting agencies as a delinquent account. You shall be responsible to pay for any fees associated with recouping payment, including but not limited to, collections fees and legal fees.


  1.  This Section will indefinitely survive expiry or termination of these Terms & Conditions.




  1.  These Terms and Conditions may only be immediately terminated by Us by written notice emailed to You for breach of these Terms and Conditions.


  1.  You do not have the right to terminate under these Terms and Conditions.


  1.  Your dissatisfaction with Our delivery of the Event or the educational teaching style, methods or other techniques are not valid legal reasons for You to attempt to request the return of any payments made to Us or termination of these Terms and Conditions to which You are hereby bound. Regardless of whether or not You have attended the Event and/or regardless of Your level of satisfaction with the Event, You hereby expressly agree to remain responsible for all outstanding payments due and owing under these Terms and Conditions by nature of Your choosing to make the first payment at checkout and clicking to verify and acknowledge Your acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.




  1.  By attending this event, You acknowledge and agree that photographic, video and audio recordings, or other media captures of your face, voice, or likeness may be made during the Event, and that Your likeness, face, and voice may be captured and used in these recordings (the “Media”). The authorization You provide herein extends to all languages, formats, and Media that have been discovered now or will later be discovered.


  1.  The term of this authorization is indefinite and will be active unless You revoke it in writing. In consideration of your attendance at the Event, you hereby and irrevocably consent to the use, publication, distribution, broadcasting, reproduction, live-streaming, editing, recording, posting, copyrighting, licensing, digitization, and/or re-release of the Media by Us as well as by any of Our employees, affiliates, associates, representatives or agents for any legal reason or purpose, including but not limited to social media, commercial tickets, education, course materials, video footage, sales, marketing or any other medium in any form that has been or will be invented.


  1.  You hereby grant permission to Us to use the Media for promotional, educational, and for all other lawful purposes, without limitation, including but not limited to in the creation of a recording of the Event which may be sold in the future, in all forms of media, including but not limited to print, television, radio, and online media. You hereby waive Your right to approve and/or inspect the Media where You appear or Your likeness appears.


  1.  You further acknowledge that you will not receive any compensation or other payment for the use of the Media, and that you waive any and all claims you may have against the event organizers or their agents arising from the use of the Media, including without limitation, claims for privacy violations, right of publicity claims, defamation, and/or any other intellectual property rights. You claim no ownership of the Media and forgo any opportunity, whether past, present, or future to copyright or trademark the Media. You give consent to the use of this Media while knowing and understanding that your name, face, likeness, voice, or other identifying factors may be revealed to the general public. You hereby waive all and any rights to all royalties or any other compensation in any form when it comes to the use of the Media indicated in this form.


  1.  If you do not wish to be recorded, please inform the event organizers before the event begins.




  1.  All sales are final for Ticket(s) to the Event. There will be no refunds provided for any reason, including but not limited to changes in schedule, illness, or any other circumstances. By purchasing a ticket, you acknowledge and agree to the “no refund” policy.


  1.  In the event of unforeseen circumstances that result in the cancellation of the event, the event organizers may, at their discretion, offer a refund or credit towards a future event. However, the event organizers shall not be responsible for any additional costs or expenses incurred by attendees, including but not limited to travel or accommodation expenses. In the unlikely event of cancellation, the event organizers will notify attendees as soon as possible through the contact details provided during ticket purchase.




  1.  The Ticket(s) for the Event, and all content, information, and documents presented to You at the Event, including, but not limited to:
    1.  Our personal stories, methods, strategies, information based on experience, professional understanding and know-how;
    2.  The names, descriptors, or techniques regarding mental health or therapeutic practise; and
  •  Other examples of intellectual property found on our website and within our Tickets and at the Event include, but are not limited to: trademarks, service marks, layout, logos, business name, design, text, written copy, certain images, podcast recordings, videos, audio files, and all of our paid Tickets (collectively referred to as “Intellectual Property”) are owned or licensed by Leah Van Dolder Coaching Ltd. and are protected under applicable copyright, trademark and other intellectual property laws.


  1.  All content, information, and documents presented to you at the Event, including, but not limited to:
    1.  The personal stories, methods, strategies, information based on experience, professional understanding and know-how; and
    2.  The names, descriptors, or techniques regarding their respective fields are the respective Intellectual Property of the Event speakers and panellists who express them.


  1.  Your Purchase of Your Ticket(s) confirms your acceptance on the restriction on audio or video recordings and on flash photography during the Event.


  1.  This Section will indefinitely survive expiry or termination of these Terms & Conditions.




  1.  The use of the Ticket(s) and attendance at the Event provides You with a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable licence for use of the Intellectual Property solely by You for Your own personal use, and not for republication, distribution, assignment, sublicense, sale, preparation of derivative works or other use. No part of any content may be reproduced in any form or incorporated into any information retrieval system.


  1.  Nothing in this Agreement shall transfer ownership of or rights to any of Our Intellectual Property to You, nor grant any right or licence other than those stated in these Terms and Conditions.


  1.  This Section will indefinitely survive expiry or termination of these Terms & Conditions.




  1.  You shall not disparage Our business, agents, or owners in their personal capacity or otherwise take any action that can reasonably be expected to adversely affect Our reputation and/or goodwill, and shall also not disparage Our clients, or referral partners. This includes explicit disparagement and implicit or inferred disparagement, including but not limited to online, in writing, verbal, or in person. This non-disparagement clause shall also apply such that You shall not disparage any of the Event guest speakers or panellists in the above-noted manner.


  1.  This Section will indefinitely survive expiry or termination of these Terms & Conditions.




  1.  Certain jurisdictions, such as Québec, do not allow the exclusions of damages. If these laws apply to You, some of the following exclusions of liability may not apply to You.


  1.  In no event will We be liable to You for an amount greater than the Order Total, exclusive of taxes and shipping, or for any indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, punitive or consequential damages of any nature (including loss of use, loss of data, loss of profit and loss of savings) to You whether arising in connection with the use of this Website or the Tickets, including but not limited to the Ticket(s), irrespective of whether Your claim arises in contract, tort (including negligence and product liability), strict liability, restitution, breach of statute or any other theory of law, or whether arising from Your own actions, omissions and decisions made based on Your access to and use of the Ticket(s), and even if We had been advised or had reasons to know of the possibility of such damages.


  1.  In no event will We be liable for damages or losses resulting from viruses, data corruption, failed messages, transmission errors or problems, loss of use or lack of availability of the service or the website, even if We have been advised of the possibility of such damages or claim.


  1.  By using Our services and purchasing this Ticket(s), You accept any and all risks, foreseeable or unforeseeable, arising from such a transaction. You agree that We will not be held liable for any damages of any kind resulting from the use or misuse of the Ticket(s). You agree that use of this Product is at Your own risk.


  1.  This Ticket(s) may be distributed by Us either directly or through a third-party platform. Access to this Ticket(s) is currently through a third-party platform, <> (“EventBrite”). We are not liable for any limitation of access to the Product caused by EventBrite.


  1.  You hereby agree to indemnify Us against losses sustained by Us arising out of any final judgement for damages awarded by a court of competent jurisdiction to a third party, to the extent that such damages result from an act or omission, including an act or omission in breach of these Terms and Conditions by You.


  1.  This Section will indefinitely survive expiry or termination of these Terms & Conditions.





  1.  We reserve the right to amend the Terms at any time without notice to You. The Terms that govern Your order will be the Terms posted to our Website on the day and time that You place Your order. Each time You place an order You should review and print the Terms.


  1.  We reserve the right to amend the Terms and Conditions at any time by posting amendments on this website. You are responsible for reviewing the amendments on this Website and You are deemed to be aware of such amendments two (2) days after the amendments are posted or on the date specified in a notice to You. Continued use of the Ticket(s) or access of this Website after the amendments have been posted constitutes Your acceptance of the amended Terms and Conditions.




  1.  The Terms are governed by the laws of the province of Ontario without reference to conflict of laws principles.


  1.  The exclusive jurisdiction for any claim, action or dispute with us will be in the courts of the province of Ontario unless required otherwise by applicable laws of Your province of residence.


  1.  This Section will indefinitely survive expiry or termination of these Terms & Conditions.




  1.  If any provision or part of a provision of the Terms and Conditions is determined to be unenforceable by reason of applicable laws, it shall be severed from the rest of the Terms and Conditions, which will continue to apply.


  1.  This Section will indefinitely survive expiry or termination of these Terms & Conditions.




  1.  The Terms and Conditions, Your purchase order and Our confirmation of shipping or delivery (if applicable) constitute Our entire agreement with You.


  1.  Any notices required or permitted to be given under the Terms and Conditions or applicable laws may be given to You at the e-mail address You provided to us during Your order. Any notice given to You will be effective two (2) days after We send the notice to You, irrespective of whether You receive it or it is returned to us as undeliverable.


  1.  You may contact us at: 639 Spruce Street, Collingwood, ON, L9Y 4T6


  1.  This Section will indefinitely survive expiry or termination of these Terms & Conditions.




If You agree with these terms and conditions and intend to be legally bound by them, please click on the "I accept" button below. If You do not agree with these terms and conditions, click on the "I decline" button below. You may only proceed if You accept the Terms and Conditions.








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